Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cars of the future 2020

Cars of the future 2020

Latest Original Auto Cars
Are you still crazy about having long cars like Mercedes or BMW? This new car designer has introduced a car design that can save a lot of energy that is required to keep a car moving. According to the designer, it is a futuristic car for the year 2020. It is based on segway transport technology which is a complete solution for traffic as well as contamination problems. The car is powered by 4 electric motors i.e. two in each wheel and it also has batteries for keeping the energy. Car is really very small in size and runs on 2 wheels only with a seating arrangement for one person. If you are the only one to travel daily then why to purchase a family car, go for this on

Cars of the future 2020

This futuristic car concept designed by Morteza Faghihi allows you to switch between a single-seater and a twin-rider with the flick of a button. This allows saving on both road space and parking space along with giving the car a very unique look. The Micromobile 2020 is designed for the roads of the future and has a design that is sleek and compact

Cars of the future 2020

The 2020 LeMans relies on a compact fuel cell not yet invented and strong, lightweight, fully recyclable materials. The proposed hydrogen fuel cell would be tested in the 24-hour LeMans endurance race, hence the name.